603 487-1117     Cell: 207 650-8807

Serving New England & The Northeast

Direct Drive Airfoil Plug Fan

Chicago’s direct drive airfoil plug fan offers a compact economical alternative to belt drive plug fans. For retrofit installations, the compact direct drive configuration allows greater system flexibility. When coupled with a variable frequency drive, performance is no longer limited to sycronous motor speeds. Direct drive simplicity converts to lower initial cost and less operating expense, as there are no fan shafts, bearings, belts or guards to maintain.

Plug fans utilize Chicago’s quiet, efficient airfoil wheel with hyperbolic inlet cone. Exceptional rigidity is afforded by the heavy steel panel with flanged edges and gusseted motor base. Plug fans are designed for horizontal or vertical installation.

Chicago’s direct drive line consists of plug fan sizes from 12-1/4 to 30 and static pressures to 12”. Directdrive temperature maximum is typically limited to 180°F,or higher when equipped with factory cooling wheel and insulated plug panels. For elevated temperatures, ask about Chicago’s belt drive or direct coupled fans. The versatile plug fan design allows for use of either C-face or foot mounted motors. Fans are also available with steel housing, backward inclined wheels or other factory modifications

Contact Air Industries for further details and ordering info.


Applications include packaged equipment for cooling, drying, dust collection, recirculation and aeration systems.


Fan Size Fan RPM Motor HP 1′ SP 2′ SP 3′ SP 4′ SP 5′ SP 6′ SP 7′ SP 8′ SP Fan Weight
12-1/4 3500 5 3321 3160 2985 2792 2593 2388 2112 62
13-1/2 3500 5 4481 4307 4121 3920 3706 3487 3262 3001 80
15 3500 7.5 6192 6000 5800 5590 5364 5157 4919 4680 126
16-1/2 3500 15 8286 8083 7875 7660 7433 7190 6939 6681 148
Fan Size Fan RPM Motor HP 1′ SP 2′ SP 3′ SP 4′ SP 5′ SP 6′ SP 7′ SP 8′ SP Fan Weight
18-1/4 1750 5 5278 4746 4152 3355 178
20 1750 5 7055 6490 5861 5193 4116 222
22-1/4 1750 7.5 10267 9619 8800 8069 7200 6081 266
24-1/5 1750 15 13825 13202 12296 11463 10644 9684 8489 7072 300
27 1750 20 18618 18000 17127 16104 15218 14310 13294 12076 337
30 1750 40 25960 25290 24562 23777 22922 21930 20720 19379 424

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